Pennsylvania Maple Syrup - Maple Springs Farm Grade A Light, Medium, Dark, Grade B
Pennsylvania Maple Syrup comes in Grade A Light, Medium, Dark Amber and also Grade B. Grade B is for cooking, grade A is for the rest. Most people use the grade A medium and dark for the table syrup maple syrup. Most of the difference is the color, but the darker the syrup is, the more maplely taste it has.
What do I like the best?? Grade B.. It has more minerals and vitamins in it than the more refined stuff.. I use it for everything... I think it has more flavor...
"Pennsylvania Maple Syrup" "Grade B"
Grade B
One Gallon
Price - $67.00
"We do not use any fertilizer or additives (no formaldahyde) of any kind"

"pennsylvania maple sryup grade b"
"We do not use any fertilizer or additives (no formaldahyde) of any kind"
Maple Syrup comes mostly in a plastic jug but may come in either a plastic jug or a tin (which may or may not be the one pictured below).
Most of the maple syrup is packaged in the large jug pictured above.
"pennsylvania maple sryup may come in container pictured above"